What ho, Dicelings! So it turns out the fairy eels (AKA flying snakes) in Avrin are more than just ruthless killing machines! They can also be trained to deliver short messages for us to read on our podcast, AKA eel-mail!
Don’t worry, we make sure they are well taken care of, with plenty of days off and rotating schedules, plus a KILLER 401k so they can provide for little baby fairy eels in the future!
So: If you’d like to send an eel-mail to someone you love, or someone you just only kind of like, or someone you really don’t like at all, but they owe you money and you want to let the world know about it…you’re in the right place!
You can even ask Triggus, Rhakna, or Kai to read your eel-mail, should you so wish! Plus, it’s a super easy, 3-step process:
- Let us know who your message is to and from (anonymous messages make the fairy eels nervous, and we wouldn’t want to stress them out).
- Tell us the message you’d like to send (with a 500 character limit — we don’t want to weigh down the fairy eels with a scroll that’s too heavy!).
- Send us a bit o’ money to cover the fairy eel’s pension (It’s only $20!).
And, voila! You’ve got yourself an eel-mail, my friend!
Here are a few more things to note before giving these hard-working fairy eels a little job security:
- Eel-mails will be read on a first-come, first-served basis, one per episode (the fairy eels are SUPER territorial…if we made them share an episode, chaos might break out!).
- Eel-mails are meant for personal messages, not commercial messages or advertisements (the fairy eels would prefer that The Dice Girls handle sponsorship responsibilities, so if you’d like to inquire about that, shoot us an e-mail (not an eel-mail!)).
- The fairy eels are too young to be subjected to vulgar language / content, so please keep it PG! If your message is deemed objectionable by any of us (or the fairy eels!), it will not be delivered and you will receive a full refund.
Now, without further ado: Compose your eel-mail!